Tiger Story

Tiger Story

Saturday, January 8, 2011


How many of you actually have stuck to your resolution? Come on, I can't see your hands!


That's where I'm finding me today.

I was brave enough to take on my resolution before the new year and actually during the Thanksgiving Holiday I made up my mind to lose weight, I mean isn't that everyone's resolution. I find my self today after all the holiday rush - back to my same place. Weight wise. I lost ten pounds during the holiday that was also during the time where I took a sabbatical, focused, got back in the gym. But that was all away from Home. Now that I'm home I'm finding myself back to the stress eating, the fast paced lifestyle, eating late, and today after eating some fried foods and breathing hard, I have to make a decision. To lose the weight again, which I did put back on, sadly.

One - to keep eating like this because after all we only live once or Two - realize that I can't continue to live like this and one of these days I'm going to get married and have beautiful children and I don't want them adapting to my eating habits, now for those of you who know me know that I have three handsome boys that I consider my own and have watched them grow the past ten years. They've adapted to my eating habits. Not good. Two however have a stomach that can just process and I guess put out all that fat, because they are lean and skinny. Me however, I think I was skinny when I was born and that's it. Ha.

The truth is, it's not too late to start your resolution over or if you are keeping it - keep it up! Here's some encouragement: Ultimately - we've got the power to overcome according to what Christ told us. It's our mandate to fully take own and adapt and put in to place: Our Will Power. We can do it. I sure am gonna try. I'll keep you updated on that.

Tomorrow is Sunday - Go to church. If you're visiting my blog site for the first time, Welcome. If you don't know Christ, it's not my job to force but to introduce. Take time for you and go to church and let God speak to you. If you've been hurt by a pastor or church folks, just know we're human and we are going to make mistakes. I did when I was first in ministry and started church, I thought I knew everything. Now, I realize I don't. I've not been a perfect pastor, but now I strive to be real and transparent. It's my duty. So if you've been hurt by the church let me say I'm sorry. I know I can't take away your hurt but Christ can, give him another shot. Don't give up on Him, He hasn't on you. For those who go regularly - stop with the excuses and just get there. I promise it's life changing.

Until next time,
I'm Pastor Tiger - This is my story, and I'm stickin' to it!

God Bless!