Days of just bloggin' and rambling about nothing. It now has begun. A former COG State Youth Director used to say, "It is on....It is on..!" before those glorious NGA youth camp days. That's what resounded in my body and spirit today. It's on. I've talked about losing weight and gettin' in better shape, now it's time to start putting some things into action.
A group of about 15 of us joined together tonight at my church to begin the awesome transition on gettin' in better shape. It was great. I'm sore in my legs but it was awesome! I'm glad to be making life changes and with a great group of people. I thought about posting before and after pictures but I'll refrain from making anyone sick, ha ha.
I'll tell you that today I started at 216.8, I'll keep you updated daily or whenever I make some much needed changes. So keep me in your prayers! Thanks ya'll.
One Love
Pastor T