Tiger Story

Tiger Story

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's EPIC living!

So much has been going on and it's been great! God is doing so much. I want you to stay connected with me as much as possible and help me get the word out about what God is doing at RCC! Vision is so strong and has been. I've had some things happen to our family and it's just really drawn me closer to Christ.

I was telling someone on the phone the other day that I'm falling in love with Christ all over again. My passion is for souls and to see a generation turned to God. It's been so incredible. I am so excited for a move of God. I'm telling you. I feel a stirring taking place for our church and ministry. I believe that a great outpouring is coming. I'm trying to equip our body to begin to prepare for the MOVE that is coming. So stay connected.

Also you can text REVOLUTION to 86677 to receive updated texts from myself or our staff. It's getting epic. It's time to join the "LOVE REVOLUTION!"

Love Real. Love Deep. Love Everyone. Repeat.

One Love,

Pastor T