Tiger Story

Tiger Story

Monday, March 21, 2011

The 40 Day Mission

Normally, when the Lord speaks to me and challenges me I always feel led to share it with my congregation. This time was different. As a pastor and visionary it seems simple when the Lord shows you something and complicated as you walk it out. The Lord has always dealt with me about "LOVE!" Yes, at times flesh has risen and anger has set it, but that's not where I am going with this blog entry.

A few months ago he finally gave me the clearest vision yet for this church and my life. I now know the situations leading up to this point why it was crystal clear. I preached it and taught it but now it's becoming REAL to me. The mission He gave me was simple,

Love Real. Love Deep. Love Everyone. Repeat.

The Lord dealt with me about two weeks ago to really stand on these things. Forget the past and press towards the future, but also to deal with people in the eyes and mind of Christ. Simply put, burn for the things He burns for and let your heart break for the things of Christ. Now one could assume this is easy, trust me, it's like praying for patience. Because at the end, they all are one.

I've had to let LOVE cover A LOT. But this verse today has stuck with me,
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Phil. 4:8. 

I sat with some staff members today and we talked about vision for the future and anytime you talk about the future the past mistakes always seem to come up and quickly the Lord spoke to me and I said, "We're not radio stations and we need to quit giving the enemy air time!" That will be turned into a shirt in the next few months when our new line comes out (Bunny Trail....). 

I said all the above to say this. I've challenged myself to get in SHAPE! 
Health Wise
Attitude Wise
Personality Wise
Everything Else In Between

For forty days, and then it will become a life change. 
1) I wake up at 6AM
2) Get Ready
3) Meet in the God room. 
4) Go to my job place and pray over that. 

Just me. This was a challenge the Lord gave me as I press to LOVE more, realer, deeper and SHOW it. Whatever is on the inside overflows. So when you are under pressure and are shaken it will overflow to the outside. Think about that. 

I won't blog much as I take "me" time with the Lord but I encourage us to really dig in to the meaning of Love and ask the Lord to reveal its meaning to you! Have a great night! 

After a very spiritual week in the mountains and the Lord dealing with me about A LOT I now know I want Him more than anything. So this is my journey to fall more in Love with Christ than ever before. 


Sunday, March 20, 2011

He's still workin' on me.

That old children's church song still rings true today, it's my prayer...

"He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be....."

You know it. I bet you just started singing it out loud too.  I'm feel so great about what God is doing. I know that I'm still a work in progress and I love it when the devil attacks or shows his ugly head, but it keeps me motivated. I was watching Bishop Jakes and he said, "When the devil kicks ya in the butt it means you're moving ahead!"

Keep your head up and keep moving forward. He has an awesome plan for your life. We will make mistakes but we move forward by His Grace not man's opinions! Keep your head up!

LRLDLER! Motto Of The Church!

Pastor Tiger

My Story.

The whole idea of this website is to express my life story. You may not agree with it or whatever, but it's my thoughts and what I feel led to share. If you have comments or anything that can be used as an insult to others who read, please email me personally. Thank you.


Sunday, February 27, 2011


There are so many times in life where you feel defeated and even a failure. Even as a pastor, minister, or whatever else people call me, I get there. Today is one of those days. Every opportunity in life has it's disappointment and moments where everything you do is questioned. Have you been there....?

"I've raised them better then that!"
"I can't believe they did that!"
"I will never speak to them again!"
"After all I've been through, how could you do that to me?"

Have you said that, maybe your situation is different maybe you are in a place where the hurt has been so incredible that you don't even know if you can see the sun rise again or see the light of day. The quickest answer is to go hide under a rock, been there?

As a pastor I face many trials daily. "Did I preach the right message, did I say enough, did I talk too much, was I too loud?" I've been there before and try to remember never to go there. This week has had it's celebrations and mourning moments. I just can't believe that after so many years of being and pastoring people that I still get shocked over things, but I do. I'm human. I know it's a shock but pastors are human! :-)

It's been a weekend where I have stood by several people through good and bad and yet I guess they can respect me when they are going through things but when it's up to them and they need no guidance, not even from God, things seem to just drift and we forget about the people that stood by when no one else would. I've had three major upsets this weekend, actually in one day, my world seems crushed and it seems like it's easier to throw in the towel and quit, but I know so much better than that! I know that God has a place and a position for me, that's why I have to stand in victory and cannot take it personal. People are going to be just that people, they are going to follow flesh "in the name of God!"

I've come to a place in my life where I won't even revisit things that folks have said or things people have done. I call it my "eject" policy. There are times where "NEGATIVITY" will want to creep up and I have to say EJECT. Ha. It works try it.

If I've learned a valuable/monumental lesson today it's this, "Deception Kills Motivation WHich Stunts Your Transformation!" Be up front, be real, and be you!

Good Night,


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Did You Know?

You are awesome?! That you were created to be YOU! Be authentic. There are no repeats. You can't get a second chance of re-doing everything over! Be you!  I just felt like encouraging you to do that, BE YOU!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Tonight On The Radio! 11PM

Click above to join me on the radio. There is so much going on. I feel like a MAJOR stirring is taking place on the inside of me. So much vision. So much of what God is doing. We had church tonight at our mid week bible study. God was completely in the house. I know things are about to begin to break loose. These are things we've been praying and fasting for - IT'S OUR TIME! I'm telling you REVIVAl - A TRUE REVIVAL - is on the way. God is doing some awesome things and I'm so honored to be a part of it. Remember that we stay DECREASED so HE becomes INCREASED.

Connect With Me! There's POWER in connection! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's EPIC living!

So much has been going on and it's been great! God is doing so much. I want you to stay connected with me as much as possible and help me get the word out about what God is doing at RCC! Vision is so strong and has been. I've had some things happen to our family and it's just really drawn me closer to Christ.

I was telling someone on the phone the other day that I'm falling in love with Christ all over again. My passion is for souls and to see a generation turned to God. It's been so incredible. I am so excited for a move of God. I'm telling you. I feel a stirring taking place for our church and ministry. I believe that a great outpouring is coming. I'm trying to equip our body to begin to prepare for the MOVE that is coming. So stay connected.

Also you can text REVOLUTION to 86677 to receive updated texts from myself or our staff. It's getting epic. It's time to join the "LOVE REVOLUTION!"

Love Real. Love Deep. Love Everyone. Repeat.

One Love,

Pastor T

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's An Epic Invasion!

Also Check Out....www.youtube.com/pauseforpraise

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So It Begins.

Days of just bloggin' and rambling about nothing. It now has begun. A former COG State Youth Director used to say, "It is on....It is on..!" before those glorious NGA youth camp days. That's what resounded in my body and spirit today. It's on. I've talked about losing weight and gettin' in better shape, now it's time to start putting some things into action.

A group of about 15 of us joined together tonight at my church to begin the awesome transition on gettin' in better shape. It was great. I'm sore in my legs but it was awesome! I'm glad to be making life changes and with a great group of people. I thought about posting before and after pictures but I'll refrain from making anyone sick, ha ha.

I'll tell you that today I started at 216.8, I'll keep you updated daily or whenever I make some much needed changes. So keep me in your prayers! Thanks ya'll.

One Love

Pastor T

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Changes.

Tomorrow we begin the process of becoming more like Him and being the church he has designed us to be. I think this is so vital. As a church planter I think I see church a little differently and will do crazier stuff to make the point or make the message stay longer. I think it's important for us to be what Christ has called us to do. I've got some exciting things coming up.

Tomorrow we kick off our "Biggest Loser / Biggest Praiser" Competition.
Sunday we have our Stewardship Campaign Banquet.
We announce some new things and ideas this Sunday. I'm excited.

Then Atlanta in a few more months we will have our 2nd church plant. Wooohoooo.

I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for all your prayers.

Pastor T

Monday, January 24, 2011

"You Hold My Every Moment!"

Still a little under the weather. But this made me so happy. I listened to the words, "You HOLD my EVERY moment!" Nothing has caught him by surprise. I'm so blessed today! You are awesome FATHER!

Be Blessed! Have a great week!

Pastor T

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I think I run myself so much that sometimes God allows me to get sick cause He knows that's the only time I'll settle down and just be still. I have officially been in bed all day today. I hate it because it's SATURDAY and tomorrow is SUNDAY and I need to preach. It'll be a very exciting time tomorrow for us. I have a few surprises up my sleeve. Ha. I'll blog and catch up tomorrow or when I get to feelin' better. Thanks for the prayers!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fond or Love.

Sorry for the time out. I've been at the Church of God prayer conference and boy was it awesome. Very interesting to see God move and speak with just a clear voice. The speaker was just dead on with what he spoke on. He talked about Peter and his love for Christ after they were fishing (all night). He mentioned a a word "Fond" and I just kept thinking that's how so many of us have been. We've been fond of Christ and I think it's time that we step it up. He spoke so great and I had the honor of having my youth pastor with me.

We went to eat last night and I told him, whatever we gotta do - LET'S see the church EXPLODE. So I'm determined to continue to allow God to break and mold me. There's a harvest to reach. I'm not FOND of CHRIST - I'm passionately in love with him.

What's your heart temp?

One Love,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Great Weekend.

I had the day off. Had a great time at the church. We completely are bringing ANOTHER facelift to that place. I love doing creative things and keeping people on the edge of their seats. I think that's what God anointed me to do, at least I'd like to think so.

We're gearing up for the Teen Club being launched in April as well as a church plant getting ready to take place in Atlanta. Both have me super excited about what God is going to do. Just an exciting time. It's hard to sleep at night as we prepare for all that God has for us!

We decided to have a biggest loser competition in the Florida church so we are calling it the Biggest! Praiser. I thought that was genius. My kid, Joel came up with that. So we start that next week. It's a six-week competition so I'm very excited. I got a new book and everything. It's ten dollars to enter and the winner takes all. So game on! Ha. I'm a big competitor so we shall see.

We also started the READ the BIBLE in a YEAR. We begin that next week or many of us have already started. It's encouraging. I plan on doing a daily devotional and launch a churcheveryday.cc website where people can go and see the uploads daily. Very excited about that. I want it to be short, sweet, and to the point. So that should be fun.

We've got a lot going and I'm super excited. Stay tuned.

Remember, Get out of the land of UZ and move into the LAND of Satisfaction. REmember if God brought you to it He'll get you through it! Have a great night!

One Love

Pastor T

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It Is On!

Today begins the day where I plan for my life - to become a more healthier me. I've decided to make this upcoming week about me, and who I want to be. Creating a bucket-list, maintaining a better me, and providing support for those around me. I think it's our time to get it together. I'm going to change our Sunday nights to times where we bring a positive atmosphere together and encourage one another to attempt the impossible and eat better, striving to become the better person God has called us to do.

My diet begins Monday. Not even a diet, my life change begins Monday where I seek God, Better Health, And A Better Body....& I will see results. Join me on my journey.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The Landlord I'm guessing hit the wrong amount in our account and put to take out 1,500 more. So things bounced like crazy. So I got upset cause there wasn't enough money in to cover. I mean cause that's not a whole lot, is it? LoL.
I got a parking ticket for parking too long. Ha.
Had just a lot of stuff go wrong today.


But I was inspired. I'm inspired when I read stuff by Dreamers. Like MLK Jr. and others who lead the way, no matter how bad my day gets it can get worse and it can get better. I'm inspired to dream and love again and BIGGER and DEEPER! I think about all the dreamers went through and all those that dream around me go through and I think I could be in so much worser shape. BUT GLORY to GOD I'm a dreamer and big things are happening. If you have a dream or vision don't STOP until you GET it! Keep the dream alive.

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
Martin Luther King, Jr. 


Pastor T

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When you don't have much to do or say, praise is always something that sets you free. Praise is something that pushes you just a little more. Praise is something that when nothing else can set the atmosphere that does. Praise is what I do. Praise is what we do. Here's a great chapter of praise in the Bible. Today or Tomorrow praise your way through!

Isaiah 26 (New International Version, ©2010)

Isaiah 26

A Song of Praise
 1 In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:   We have a strong city;
   God makes salvation
   its walls and ramparts.
2 Open the gates
   that the righteous nation may enter,
   the nation that keeps faith.
3 You will keep in perfect peace
   those whose minds are steadfast,
   because they trust in you.
4 Trust in the LORD forever,
   for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.
5 He humbles those who dwell on high,
   he lays the lofty city low;
he levels it to the ground
   and casts it down to the dust.
6 Feet trample it down—
   the feet of the oppressed,
   the footsteps of the poor.
 7 The path of the righteous is level;
   you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth.
8 Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws,[a]
   we wait for you;
your name and renown
   are the desire of our hearts.
9 My soul yearns for you in the night;
   in the morning my spirit longs for you.
When your judgments come upon the earth,
   the people of the world learn righteousness.
10 But when grace is shown to the wicked,
   they do not learn righteousness;
even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
   and do not regard the majesty of the LORD.
11 LORD, your hand is lifted high,
   but they do not see it.
Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame;
   let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them.
 12 LORD, you establish peace for us;
   all that we have accomplished you have done for us.
13 LORD our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us,
   but your name alone do we honor.
14 They are now dead, they live no more;
   their spirits do not rise.
You punished them and brought them to ruin;
   you wiped out all memory of them.
15 You have enlarged the nation, LORD;
   you have enlarged the nation.
You have gained glory for yourself;
   you have extended all the borders of the land.
 16 LORD, they came to you in their distress;
   when you disciplined them,
   they could barely whisper a prayer.[b]
17 As a pregnant woman about to give birth
   writhes and cries out in her pain,
   so were we in your presence, LORD.
18 We were with child, we writhed in labor,
   but we gave birth to wind.
We have not brought salvation to the earth,
   and the people of the world have not come to life.
 19 But your dead will live, LORD;
   their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
   wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
   the earth will give birth to her dead.
 20 Go, my people, enter your rooms
   and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
   until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling
   to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
   the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Donkey Kong Country Returns.

This is the favorite game in the house with my boys and I. I love it. It's like a stress reliever but then it's not. I stress myself out and holler at the TV and everything. Not a good picture. Thankfully I love looking up cheats and though I couldn't find many I did find a world where if you jump on the squids you can keep getting coins but then again that stresses me out too because consistency is hard with the little monkey, Diddy.

No sure why I just ranted about that Game but it's awesome. Just FYI. It's for the Wii.

We had a great service tonight - Outreach. Prayer. Word. It was great. I just am very happy with things right now. Not too much to blog about and I promised not to be boring so I'm gonna sign off. Later.

Pastor T.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Organize Your Life.

Today I organized an office at the place I work at. It's great. I posted on my Facebook that I think God anointed me to bring organization into a workplace or church and just whip it in to shape! I was thinking in all of the clutter that maybe just maybe that's what we need to do spiritually is get with a mentor or pastor and ask him/her to pray with you to help you arrange the clutter in your life.

You can breathe better and everything seems to be more exciting when things are clear! Chaos is confusion and I'm a neat freak and can't stand for things to be out of place. Organization is key to me. But enough about that before I get an urge to get up and go organize something.

The book I ordered to get my physical life and shape should be here tomorrow. Very excited about that. I think we need to get healthy again in the church. I'm gonna pioneer it. I can't talk about sin and leave out gluttony that so many of us preachers go through. I've gotta deal with it. I'll keep ya informed!

Hope everyone had a great Monday. Talk to you all tomorrow!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Plan B! Sunday.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not, but I was on a sabbitcal the other week to see "VISION" and to clear my had. I'm so thankful I took that time to realize exactly what was going on and to take "Tiger" time and spend time with the Lord. Anyways, I picked up a book entitled, "Plan B!" It has literally changed my life.

I came back and made that our series for January. It's changing our church. This morning and tonight's service I have to go on record in saying that they were the best yet, preaching wise. I just preaching with such freedom and liberty, not sure why. Ha. It was just a normal typical Sunday and God slammed that place with just a sweet presence and understanding of the word that was being spoken.

It was incredible. Both services. I haven't preached twice in one day in a long time. It was a little exhausting but well worth it. The church is advancing and the Atlanta one is starting to flourish in the planning process. It's great to see people interested in getting connected.

So happy with what God is doing.

Basic word for the church and I'll close with this, "Don't base your faith on God's activity, rather base it on His Identity!"

Good Night!

Pastor T

Saturday, January 8, 2011


How many of you actually have stuck to your resolution? Come on, I can't see your hands!


That's where I'm finding me today.

I was brave enough to take on my resolution before the new year and actually during the Thanksgiving Holiday I made up my mind to lose weight, I mean isn't that everyone's resolution. I find my self today after all the holiday rush - back to my same place. Weight wise. I lost ten pounds during the holiday that was also during the time where I took a sabbatical, focused, got back in the gym. But that was all away from Home. Now that I'm home I'm finding myself back to the stress eating, the fast paced lifestyle, eating late, and today after eating some fried foods and breathing hard, I have to make a decision. To lose the weight again, which I did put back on, sadly.

One - to keep eating like this because after all we only live once or Two - realize that I can't continue to live like this and one of these days I'm going to get married and have beautiful children and I don't want them adapting to my eating habits, now for those of you who know me know that I have three handsome boys that I consider my own and have watched them grow the past ten years. They've adapted to my eating habits. Not good. Two however have a stomach that can just process and I guess put out all that fat, because they are lean and skinny. Me however, I think I was skinny when I was born and that's it. Ha.

The truth is, it's not too late to start your resolution over or if you are keeping it - keep it up! Here's some encouragement: Ultimately - we've got the power to overcome according to what Christ told us. It's our mandate to fully take own and adapt and put in to place: Our Will Power. We can do it. I sure am gonna try. I'll keep you updated on that.

Tomorrow is Sunday - Go to church. If you're visiting my blog site for the first time, Welcome. If you don't know Christ, it's not my job to force but to introduce. Take time for you and go to church and let God speak to you. If you've been hurt by a pastor or church folks, just know we're human and we are going to make mistakes. I did when I was first in ministry and started church, I thought I knew everything. Now, I realize I don't. I've not been a perfect pastor, but now I strive to be real and transparent. It's my duty. So if you've been hurt by the church let me say I'm sorry. I know I can't take away your hurt but Christ can, give him another shot. Don't give up on Him, He hasn't on you. For those who go regularly - stop with the excuses and just get there. I promise it's life changing.

Until next time,
I'm Pastor Tiger - This is my story, and I'm stickin' to it!

God Bless!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello & Welcome!

Thank you for taking time to see what's in the mind of a pastor. I must let you know that I am definitely not an expertise in "pastoring." I however love what I do. I don't think I would have it any other way. There are days where I'm completely overwhelmed and days where I hit my sweet spot. Then there are those dreaded days where I don't know where I'm at. Ha. We all have those right? Come on, don't make me sound too crazy.

Enough about me. Let me tell you about this blog. It's my goal to inform and enrich you with my life findings. I hope you will be encouraged. I promise to at least write once a day and be real and transparent. Thanks again for your interest. God Bless.